Strange beings together
Rooms without staves
As in music, in our actions, we try to find harmony and happiness. This search includes having a balanced life, with time to work, rest, enjoy leisure and personal relationships. This encounter with grace and peace includes treating others fairly and respectfully, avoiding unnecessary conflict. Just like in music, finding harmony in our actions can take time and effort, but it can be very rewarding to persist in that goal of craft and creation. Master the melody of our concert. A piano by itself is not a concert. Although many of us will never learn to play a piano, or to read sheet music. Today, thanks to providence and technology, we can listen to many impressions of piano compositions.
Maybe music is just a spiritual instrument to master instruction. But it certainly reminds us: any space has its own vibration and energy. Since ancient times, all perceived forms, and especially the sound, influence how we feel in a certain place. Therefore, we believe that music impact on how we feel about space. For example, if there is relaxing music in a room, we get to be calm and more relaxed. In opposition, listening to music with a fast rhythm, we would experience being more energetic and alert. Music is life, according to Louis Armstrong. For Jimi Hendrix, it was his religion. For me in art, perhaps because of its great abstract content, when words fail, music speaks, as H. C. Andersen would say.
We are here in the presence of a triptych tinted by ochres, siennas and olives. Three couples inhabit similar rooms. They inhabit architectures made of bricks, tiles, stairs that could played like piano keys. Some keys imprision like bars. Romantics in their wake they expect music to be generated. As ornament wishes cut into sounds. Even though the harsh reality is identify from the consoling fiction because it comes without a soundtrack.
The figures in their poses question our substantiality. Are we a bunch of minerals with animal ancestry? Sculptured statues with different finishes? Why are some of us curved or straight, rocky or flaccid, anatomy and dreams? And in summary, what we are indeed but animated poems. Gollems and Galateas with navel. Numbers for social engineering. Maybe we are nothing more than a doll carnival who exhibiting ideas and needs. Strange zoo where tigers love giraffes, and snakes love fish. Because in diversity, the flavor is greater, like chocolate with almonds mixed with strawberry vanilla. In any season, there are silent souls on a wild flat.
There are mustard days, there are coffee days, there are peppermint days. There are days to accompany loneliness with a good sauce. Days to excite the brain until dancing. Days to heal, to quit from madness with an infusion. There are moments, and most of the moments we are faces without mirrors. Sometimes we accompany each other without recognizing every one, without seeing each other in the eye, without listening to everyone, without smelling each other, without speaking, orbiting, or biting every one. With the certainty that any moment is an opportunity, and that life is finite. There are also monochrome years like paintings of a single hue.
Each image shows us different stories of the same theme. In one they lie seated, in another they dance and in another they fight as a cult diagram towards the Hindu’s trinity. We also see that there is a provision of mutated tools; objects that transvestite their function. While the rhythm of the lines weaves surreal rooms with strange vanishing points, a jovial melancholy tempts our sophistry. The absurd paradoxes of being.
Everybody has that night when the concert that we have perfected, the pianoforte that we want to play falls on us. Without a mazurka, without previous ragtime, only the luck throws itself at us and imprisons us. A simple rickety keyboard fills us up and we are like another hornless Minotaur who knows hundreds of ways from the town but doesn’t know the way out of the zone. The zone of fear, hopless and mistrust. Drown fears with hugs. Persuade the violence of despair. Measure your partner through the dance. Those are just recipes, but nobody want wisdom. The wisdom of psalms and sutras scares action. Without action, we are less human. Despicable. Obsolete. Thrown toys
–In 2014, three scientific awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine investigation for their contribution to the understanding of the neuronal phenomenon that allows us to “know where we are standing and where we want to go”. The laureates have discovered in our brain the structure of our “GPS”. They located the physiological instruments that manage our position and displacement in space. Perspective processing and mapping that lets us to dwell.–But with these epic answers, we don’t overcome the mistake of born like a mortal. Isn’t enough. Human brains want to occupy more than one place in the same second too. Fantasy over theories, with control over the future. They want at least, life to remain like a Murakami’s novel. An immense and musical room where the north of the compass points to love.
That complex emotion that revives like nothing but also makes you vulnerable. That exciting game of cards, where you lose more times than you win. Powerful summer, sometimes fertile irrigation and other times terrible monsoon. Arms of strange and sweet dream. Yes, that love. Where many forget themselves as the worst nightmare. So waking up ever and again when they accept the reality of who they are, nonce we think, who are we? Mirror glances without the glass.
We believe that life is just the eternal struggle of love and loneliness; that understanding that principle we find existential peace. We also believe that we can control someone else without controlling ourselves. While we conceive of life as a box of chocolate where you don’t know what you’re going to get. But it always brings an extra opportunity and you just have to be prepared; meanwhile we fight our inner demons. We weigh fiction a lot, although the truths of life have a double edge and it hurts more not to know it. One day you notice everything you did, what you left over time and all the important things, plus the missed opportunities.
Reading Murakami, you discover that time flows endlessly like a river. Each person is a boat that navigates it and sometimes they collide and stop time like a black hole. Boat-collision novels are very popular. Boats like cups, because many of us are just romantic of teapots.
These pictures do not become novels of wrecks. Nor four-hand concerts. Hence, its symbolism reminds us that living is like a concert without staves, a random noise leak. There is no predetermined score or script that tells us exactly how we should live. Each person has to find their own way and make their own decisions in life. Often, this means dealing with uncertainty and unexpected changes. There is no right way to live, but that doesn’t mean we can’t look to others for guidance or inspiration. Many people find solace and direction through spirituality, philosophy, art, or simply any medium, such as music. They share experiences and their own voice.
Human beings, from times to time, are happy and blessed. We have and play instruments, but we should tune them to fully exist. Some of them include: The body, which is the instrument that allows us to interact with the physical world. Our mind is the instrument that allow us to think, reason, learn, and understand our world. That is why we must keep them healthy. Material resources such as time, money and relationships allow us to connect with other people and the environment. Reaching a superior state of dignity, satisfaction and quality of life for what they are an indispensable instrument. Another splendid instrument is the emotions tapping by passions, interests and creativity, allowing us to connect with others too, give purpose and meaning, while expressing ourselves in innovative ways. Undoubtedly, a lot of things can be useful to us. Even if they seem only dark and light keys, a concert awaits them.
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