The climax is a literary term that refers to a point of greatest intensity or tension in a work of fiction, whether in a novel, film, play, or any other form of storytelling. Usually, we lay the climax near the end of the work and is always the moment in which the conflicts or problems raised throughout the story reach their most critical point. For example, in a love story, the climax could be the moment in which the protagonists declare their love for each other or reconcile after a separation. The climax is a moment of great importance in an affective relationship where they resolved the case of the story.
Mes: noviembre 2022
Strange beings together Rooms without staves As in music, in our actions, we try to find harmony and happiness. This search includes having a balanced life, with time to work, rest, enjoy leisure and personal relationships. This encounter with grace and peace includes treating others fairly and respectfully, avoiding unnecessary conflict. Just like in … Leer más